
49: The Ultimate Passion To Business Story Ever Told With Disney Expert Lou Mongello



We're REALLY excited about today's guest on episode 49! We had the pleasure of hearing him speak and hanging out together at Tropical Think Tank earlier this year. He left the practice of law, sold his house, and moved to Florida to pursue and share his passion for all things Disney. We know right... DISNEY! Clearly we were friends at first sight. We're SO excited to welcome the ever amazing Lou Mongello to #MerryBiz! Oh... and we SING in this episode :D Some questions we ask... When did your Disney passion begin? Tell us the story...  What made you make the decision to drop everything and just do Disney full time? Was it scary? Who is your favorite Disney character? How have live events and taking your business offline helped you grow? What's something totally random that only you would know about Disney World?  What mindset lessons have you learnt throughout your entrepreneurial journey? What is the most amazing thing that's happened along your journey?  "We are living in an amazing time... where ANYTHING