
45: How To Succeed When No One Else Believes In You With Kevin Basham



We're SO excited about today's guest. We met him at TTT this year, got to hang out on boats and have a heck of a lot of fun. Kevin Basham is an entrepreneur who's co-founded a 7 figure recycling business from the ground up. He managed to do this with no money, little experience and making lots of mistakes along the way. Growing up he had little confidence; no idea that all this was possible. His vision is to help the next generation of up and coming entrepreneurs and business leaders, to share his story so others can see anything really is possible. It is our pleasure to welcome our very good friend Kevin Basham to #MerryBiz! Some questions we ask..... How did it all began for you? And how you ended up doing, what you're doing now? How did bullying impact you? What do you think is the biggest lesson you've learned throughout your entire journey? What's it like to find your passion?    "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful." (via Eric Thomas)   Some AHA!! Moments