



Welcome to the Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! Take a listen to MODULE 6! If you're completely confused as to how you ended up here... you can sign up to our FREE eCourse and get started! Check out www.themerrymakersisters.com/free for more! Today is all about celebrating the positive steps you've taken over the past week! We are SO proud of you and so excited to continue your healthy, merry journey with you! To keep you motivated we want to share our FAVOURITE Merrymaker Mantras with you. We live by these every day and they really do help us stay on track and be kind to ourselves. Do you have a favourite mantra? Let us know! MERRYMAKER MANTRAS I choose to eat foods that will nourish my body and make me feel my best. The time is now. I spend time doing things I LOVE. I say yes to: adventure, laughter, dreams and FUN! I follow my purpose. Life is too short to say no to dessert. I make mine MERRY. I choose peace. What I focus on grows... like a flower. This is my life. This is my time. I share my happiness with