
ECourse Module 5: WEEK BY WEEK



Welcome to the Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! Take a listen to MODULE 5. If you're completely confused as to how you ended up here... you can sign up to our FREE eCourse and get started! Check out www.themerrymakersisters.com/free Woha! 5 days goes FAST and it has been jam packed of ACTION steps. Remember, all it takes is small step after small step, action after action to create an epic, healthy, happy life. You've totally got this. Today it's all about the ONE. HUGE. BIG mistake that everyone first makes. Maybe you've already made it? Maybe we're getting in early so you learn from our mistake! We hope so! Either way, you're about to hear it. IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN. YOU PLAN TO FAIL. You've spent 5 days finding your perfect diet. Now it's time to implement, to try your best and to plan a way forward. No huge, big plans required. We're talking a 1 week plan. Just 1 week at a time. This will make Your Perfect Diet easy, do-able and most importantly fun... oh, and delish! MODULE 5: WEEK BY WEEK Find a day during