



Welcome to the Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! Take a listen to MODULE 3! If you're completely confused as to how you ended up here... you can sign up to our FREE eCourse and get started! Check out www.themerrymakersisters.com/free Today's topic is going to fast track your way to finding your perfect diet. We already know you're ready to feel and look your best. So let's get started! MODULE THREE: IN TUNE = SUPER-HUMAN-AMAZING Have you ever felt tired, bloated, brain foggy, gassy or just blah after eating? We're going to say there's high chance that you've felt one, two or maybe all of those crappy things. Even when you eat a 100% real food diet... you can still feel these things. Yes, definitely causes 'what the actual flip?!' moments. BUT remember, NO STRESS! You can do something about it. You can start to listen to these feelings. Instead of looking at these annoying feelings as well, annoying, start to look at them as messages from your body letting you know that something just ain't right. Yep! Time to g