
ECourse Module 1: START HERE



Welcome to the Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! Take a listen to MODULE 1! If you're completely confused as to how you ended up here... you can sign up to our FREE eCourse and get started at www.themerrymakersisters.com/free We're so excited you're here. We can't wait to help you find your perfect diet. Over the next 5 days we're going to show you exactly how to find the foods that work for you, the foods that make you feel and look your best. We'll send you a bunch of downloadables as well as key action steps for you to take. With the goal to help you live your healthiest, happiest life.      Let's get into the first module of our Find Your Perfect Diet eCourse! MODULE ONE: START HERE When you embark on finding your perfect diet, it's hard to know where to start. What foods are out, what foods are in? That is, what foods make you feel super-human-amazing and what foods make you feel below average... aka bloated, brain foggy, dull, blaah, crap! Today we're going to share the Merrymaker Lifestyle with you, as i