
35: Create A Healthier, Better, More Sustainable Life And Business With Dr Brett Hill



In episode 35 on #MerryBiz we chat with co-host of 2 of Australia's top rated health podcasts, public speaker, paleo advocate, chiropractor, barefoot runner and author. He regularly appears on TV, radio and in print, and he has inspired thousands of people over the last decade to live a long, happy, healthy life full of energy and vitality. We're so excited to welcome our very good friend Dr Brett Hill to #MerryBiz! Take a listen! #MERRYBIZ SHOW NOTES  Some questions we ask...  How do you make business decisions... especially how do you decide what to do next? Has there been a big influencer in your life looking back... or even now? What's your biggest achievement to date? How important is it to engage with your community offline? What's your biggest business lesson to date? Where do you suggest someone begin with their healthy lifestyle? "Do the stuff you love and connect it to what your audience needs." Some moments of AHA! in this episode... Why you should implement a 'DO' day.  How chiropractic can hel