
15: Batching And Scheduling Will Change Your Life



In episode 15 on #MerryBiz we share exactly what we do to get MORE shit done in less time. Cheers to productivity! Take a listen... and for preparation for next episode... be sure to download your goal setting guide HERE! This time last year we would've said that we were the busiest we've ever been. Yep, 12 hour days filled with multi-tasking and running around like headless merrymakers. We had little structure and we worked on a 'do what we feel like' basis. Sounds appealing but... This kind of mindset and work ethic lead to lots of to-dos either forgotten or being done at the very last minute. Hello unnecessary stress! Errr yuck. And stress is not good for us.  Running a business or blog or working a high paced job does NOT have to be this way. It doesn't need to be stressful and doesn't have to cause burnout. You do not need to be the busiest person on the planet.  Fast forward to now and we're ticking off a hell of a lot more goals MINUS the 12 hour days, minus the stress PLUS a whole bunch of fun. Say wh