Modern Athenas

MODERN ATHENAS Episode 30: More than a Game, A Sisterhood / The Bridge Ladies



This episode is the first of a series that focus on women that contribute to our personal toolkit: ways to navigate life’s challenges, tips on how to find those people who you can lean on and guide you, inspiration to persevere through challenges, how to be brave, courageous, and never quit.In The Bridge Ladies, Betsy Lerner brings us into her mother's bridge group, a group of women who have been playing bridge together every week for fifty-five years. The women have crossed through the decades together, watching each other's children be born, grow up, and have families of their own. Now, as the women move into the next phase of their lives, they are confronting the deaths of their spouses, their own mortality, and what the fifty five years of weekly bridge games mean to each of them.INDEX0:00 New Series of Episodes2:56 Intro to The Bridge Ladies, Debby’s Personal Story6:10 Demographics10:20 The Pot Roast Friendship14:25 The Bridge Club - Logistics19:06 A Mother’s Critique22:27 Jackie’s Lu