Laura Goodrich

FutureWork with Laura Goodrich and Jim Dittmer



FutureWork with Laura Goodrich Innovator l Author l Expert Speaker Radio l TV l Film Host. Internationally Recognized Expert on Change and the Future of Work and Life. Laura Goodrich hosts the radio show FutureWork, a part of Linked2Leadership Radio Network. The Vision of FutureWork is to shape and influence the future of  work and life by conducting insightful interviews and reflections so listeners can find workplace solutions for themselves, their teams and their organizations. The show is a collaboration of Laura Goodrich, the guests and you the listener, to create meaningful solutions to work and life challenges and opportunities. FutureWork will feature reoccurring guests that are engaging and insightful, commenting on the subjects of innovation, future trends, change, and forward thinking solutions that we believe, will inform the most successful people, teams and organizations now and into the future. Join us this week as Laura talks with Jim Dittmer. Jim exemplifies the characteristics of a successfu