Mosaic Of Art - George Fishman

MOSAIC OF ART - Episode 35; Feb. 20, 2011



Art History department chair at the University of Mary Washington, JEAN ANN DABB is an enthusiast of mosaics - past and present. But her sense of the medium is evolving. "If my working definition now includes a composition of separate distinct elements which having been combined into a larger matrix, then I've given up the notion of some kind of adhesive element and permanence and stability, so I think it's whatever the artist may want to use as their defining definition..." AMY KUPFERBERG began as a metal sculptor. "While fabricating an armature for another sculpture, I became intoxicated by the beauty and grace created from arc welding. In order to fabricate the armature to an exact likeness, I bent the steel and clamped it down directly on top of a drawing of the armature and welded the steel at the cross points. When I lifted the armature up and saw the marks that were left on the paper, I knew that something important had happened." A.K.LISA SILVERA and CHERYL MOODY help Amy - as well as many other arti