Shadowhunters' Stelecast

The Magnusficent Circle... or Maybe Not



It's the last episode of 2013!!! News has remained slow, but we are here to discuss Magnus Bane, and a whole bunch of characters we know... some only by name, and others very well. That's right, yesterday was the release of The Bane Chronicles: The Last Stand of the New York Institute, the second to last installment. We will discuss this and more in the thirty-second episode of Shadowhunter's Stelecast: The Magnusficent Circle... or Maybe Not!As always, you can follow our tweets @SteleCast along with joining the chat with the hashtag #ShadowhuntersSC during the show. In this episode:We will begin with a couple announcements from the fandomWe will discuss the newest installment of The Bane Chronicles: The Last Stand of the New York InstituteIf there's time, we will spend some time with topics from my hat!Listen LIVE Wednesday, December 18 at 9pm ET!