Finding Hope

How one woman went from Fashion to Faith



Counselor Mandy Eppley speaks with ordained minister, Rev. Rebecca Nagy, about her life journey that started out as a successful fashion designer in NYC. She loved this job, but when she had a spinal injury and surgery that left her in a leg brace, she could no longer continue in this field. This was both physically and emotionally painful for her to accept. She moved back to Charlotte to take another job that ended up not being what she thought it would be. During this same time she was also ordained as a non-denominational minster. She “jumped off the ledge” to manifest this new dream in 1998 by officiating weddings, speaking at churches and holding classes. Although this was great, it wasn’t her FULL dream. When her father died she heard him say “Do what God wants to you to do. You know what it is.” Two weeks later a church called her needing a minster. Now two years later she has grown the church, the Spiritual Light Center of Charlotte, into an active community. Mandy summarizes by saying “When we get tu