Marketing On Tap

Episode 15: Sears Bankruptcy, Online Shopping, and the Death of Traditional Retailers



This week saw the news that retail giant Sears had filed for bankruptcy protection, amongst falling sales and rising debt. Their Canadian division closed in January of this year, and it always felt the parent company wouldn't be far behind. Failure to adapt to the changing ways customers preferred to buy - online, mobile research, frictionless shopping - as well as the inability to attract a younger audience seems to have sounded the death knell for this once-unstoppable giant. In this week's episode of Marketing on Tap, we look at how Sears is just the latest in a long line of major retailers to fall to the online onslaught of Amazon and others, and ask what retailers need to do to stay relevant and profitable. Settle back and enjoy this week’s topic, brought to you in the usual unscripted manner that you’ve come to expect when Sam and Danny take the mic. Read the transcript (