Comic Book Podcast | Talking Comics

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men | Comic Book Podcast Issue #376



The TC crew go higher, further, faster on this week's podcast, after some technical difficulties ruin their best laid plans. But fear not, gentle listeners, we've still got a fantastic show that touches on a pile of great comics, venting about Twitter, keeping our heads above water, as well as everything else you've come to love about our little show. Oh. What's that? You want more, do you? Well then, what if I told you that we also discuss the new Captain Marvel TV Spot as well.  Shocker, I know! Let's do this! Books talked about this episode: Wonder Woman #63, The Shape of Elvira #1, Man-Eaters #5, West Coast Avengers #7, Captain America #7, Batgirl #31, Daughters of Salem Vol. 1, Conan the Barbarian #1-2, Chaboute's ALONE, and much more! We also talk up Netflix's Umbrella Academy, too.