Changing Reels

Episode 17 - The Wailing



What happens when a cop, a shady shaman, a Japanese stranger and a mysterious woman collide? Well, let’s just say things don’t go well for the village caught in the middle. In this episode of Changing Reels we attempt to decipher the various themes permeating Na Hong-Jin’s gloriously disturbing horror film The Wailing. Before jumping into the darkness, we bask in the warm glow of our short film picks: Wooksang Chang’s Mom and Seunghee Kim’s Mirror in Mind. If you like what you hear, or want to offer some constructive criticism, please take a moment to rate our show on iTunes! If you have a comment on this episode, or want to suggest a film for us to discuss, feel free to contact us via twitter (@ChangingReelsAC), follow us on Facebook and reach out to us by email ( You can also hear our show on SoundCloud or Stitcher!