More Than Movies

S04E10: Black Lives Matter - 00:00



People are standing together right now, demonstrating their rightful anger. The murder of George Floyd has changed everything… it should change everything. This isn’t the time to release a fun and lighthearted podcast about movies, we need to take time to educate ourselves, to listen to the people who are crying out for change and to participate in that change. Go out and protest, donate to organizations, vote for equality and for change at all levels of government. Here are some links to videos we believe are powerful and educational. Listen. Learn. Change. Act. ---- #BlackLivesMatter Sign the petition calling for the end of police violence against black people! Get Informed - visit for resources and information. Killer Mike’s moving speech about Atlanta, activism, righteous anger & the need for change RIGHT NOW. Trevor Noah: George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancin