Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Kevin Percival - museums, space capsules & Scotland



After having such a lovely time talk with Nick a few weeks ago, I wanted to follow up on his recommendation.  He suggested speaking with Kevin Percival as he works at the London Science museum but also runs personal projects and shoots film!  So obviously I had to chat with him and here we are. Kevin is another down to earth humble person and talks openly about his career at the museums the others in the group (National Media museum at Bradford, Locomotion in Shildon, the National Rail in York and Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester,  As part of his role he's involved in taking pictures of the items within the museum and sometimes in the others too.  They involve complex set ups due to the size of some of the objects - for instance the Apollo 10 capsule. He has also worked on some interesting personal projects about the gaming industry, but the one we focus on is about a remote island in Scotland.  We talk about this adventure and living in a remote part of the country. S