Little Beaver Historical Society Podcast

LBHS Podcast (Ep11) – Charles Townsend



Charles Townsend | Underground Railroad On episode 11 of the Little Beaver Historical Society Podcast, we talk with Beaver County historian Charles Townsend about his family’s early abolitionist activism and the Underground Railroad in Beaver County.      SUPPORT LOCAL HISTORY Let’s keep local history alive for future generations!  If you like our podcast, please help us continue this great educational program--for today and tomorrow.  Show your support by making a financial donation, underwriting the podcast, or advertising your business or service on the show.   jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_3943').owlCarousel({ items : 1, smartSpeed : 0, autoplay : false, autoplayHoverPause : false, smartSpeed : 0, fluidSpeed : 0, autoplaySpeed : 0, navSpeed : 0, dotsSpeed : 0, loop : true, nav : false, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : false, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 'page', mergeFit : true, autoHeight :