Common Sense

They're Coming for Your First Amendment



Free speech.  The First Amendment to our Constitution.Yet, it seems as if not all free speech is equally protected.In the name of tolerance, only certainly speech is tolerated.  If you are "pro" anything American, patriotic or religious, you are now labeled "intolerant" by a group that claims we must co-exist.Want to fly the American Flag?  Show your support for our military?  Defend traditional marriage?  Dare to wish someone a "blessed day?  Then you need to be prepared to lose your job, be investigated by the IRS, get your page shut down by Facebook and be called some of the most nasty of names by those who tell us we must "co-exist."Want to hold a Black Mass on a college Campus?  Want to bring someone on campus convicted of murdering a police officer?  Want to bring a terrorist to speak at your campus?  That's all protected under the First Amendment according to the left.The caveat is that we can only have a First Amendment and co-exist as long as we conform to what liberals say is okay.The reality is tha