Living Motivated Productions

Manifesting with Lesley Adams



Lesley Adams is an international author, speaker and mentor who was born and raised in Zimbabwe, Africa. She spent two years living in London, England, and now resides in Orlando, Florida. "The mission of Manifesting Freedom, LLC, is to help individuals attain freedom in every area of their lives with the theme that we were all created limitless and that all things are possible.  Lesley has many passions which she exuberantly shares namely health, wellness, and financial freedom. She believes that the best health insurance IS your health.   Lesley, along with her partners, empower people with the right tools to create results for financial freedom.  Everyone says YES that they desire financial freedom. Yet only those who BELIEVE and ACT actually attain financial freedom. It is one thing to have the desire. A whole different ball of wax to go after it.