Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

Living Well with the USGBC Living Standard with Tony Pratte



Today, Tony Pratte, our regular co-host from The Sound Room, joins us once again on the show. In the Everyday Green Home Podcast, we talk about green homes, green living, and green communities. And we discuss how to make all of it work for you in your life, and why it all matters. We offer solutions, and we love to talk about the kind of choices that all of us can make, to make our homes, and ultimately the whole world, a better place. The Living Standard The Living Standard, which was recently released by the US Green Building Council, is all about people. It’s about a dialogue about green living and sustainability, and it is here to help people understand.  In today’s episode, we discuss how the Living Standard helps people to help themselves, each other, and the environment. And we talk about what we can do, as individuals, to make a difference. The Living Standard is a toolkit  The Living Standard is a toolkit that has been designed to help us have a better conversation about what we can do to live a gree