Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

Cool Home, Concrete Home with Christy Howell



Today, we’re happy to have Christy Howell, from CRH Design + Build, joining us. Christy was on the show previously, about a year-and-a-half ago, when her business was going through a transition phase.   She is currently building a pilot home using the incredible ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) technology blocks, which she describes as being like large Lego blocks for adults. Building a home with this innovative new green technology has many benefits. In today’s episode, Christy will talk to us about the myriad advantages of building a house in this way. What CRH Design + Build does Christy has a bachelor’s degree in fine art, so CRH Design + Build does a large number of interior design projects.  Since 2004, she has been doing a significant amount of interior design assistance with new construction projects, remodels, staging, and other kinds of work that falls under a similar umbrella. Although most of the work she is doing is residential, there are also some commercial projects that she does.  Between 2018 an