Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

First Saturday of the Month with Jessica Jacobs Thompson



Our guest for today is Jessica Jacobs Thompson, and today's podcast is about the product that Jessica and her sister, Jana, produce and sell, called First Saturday Lime.  About First Saturday Lime First Saturday Lime is a healthy alternative to pesticides. It is a once-a-month application, just like most other pest controls. It took years of research and testing to develop this product, which is 100% non-toxic and non-flammable, and it contains no health hazards at all. Jessica and Jana suggest that it should be applied on the first Saturday of each month and on that day, they go onto social media platforms and do all kinds of fun promotions.  How it all started Jessica and her sisters grew up on a farm. Their mother was a professor and their father had a lime company, for farmers in the state of Oklahoma. After graduating, Jessica spent some time in the medical field. One day, soon after Jana had taken over their father's lime company, she and Jessica spoke about finding the formula for a safe alternative to