Cleverly Changing Podcast

Resolutions Podcast | Lesson 1



We’re just about a month into 2019 and new year resolutions aren’t quite a distant memory yet. Our premier episode explores resolutions, dreams, goals and the things that push them forward. Cleverly Cultured Kids (1:40) 11 year old Aamira talks about her goals for the future. Word of the Episode! (4:30) Ubuntu Grown Up Talk (6:03) * Resolutions: Are they just for January 1?* Accountability and how it can help or hold you back.* Setting realistic goals.* Blurred lines between dreams, goals and resolutions.* Creating a plan of attack and managing your goals.* Distractions are never your friend. The app we like to use is Freedom. Another option is Simpleology Chrome browser add-on.* Write it down.* Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. The Educational Cleverly Changing Podcast Description Embarking on an self-defining journey showered with self-determination and motherly love this educational Cleverly Changing Podcast is hosted by Elle and Miriam, who are two African American homesc