Mike Safo

Mike Safo with Noor from LetsBeFriendsAfghanistan.com



Joined today, calling all the way from Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, the founder and head tour guide of LetsBeFriendsAfghanistan.com, Noor. Noor and I discuss how he started giving tours of his country as a volunteer and how all the negative news and press about Afghanistan inspired him to start a tour company to show the positive side. He tells us how the beautiful pictures he posted of his country on social media really got his company started and how he grew tourism from 5-6 people in the first year to a few hundred currently. Noor talks openly and honestly about the dangers a visit to Afghanistan can bring, the safety precautions his company takes, and if there is any hope for tourism there. He shares what made him want to learn English, and how watching Spider-man 2 every day helped him learn English. We discuss the various tours his company offers, the process for Americans trying to obtain a visa and what to expect on a long tour in Afghanistan. We, of course, talk about  the fascinating sport, Buzakash