Employer Branding Podcast

How Enterprise Holdings Drives Employer Branding, with Ashley Hever



When you rent a car, do you think about the brand that provides it to you? Or do you just go for which ever desk has a decent car within your price range? Imagine if you're considering working for a rental car company, what makes them different? I've spoken to Ashley Hever of Enterprise Holdings to get some Fahrvergnügen on the topic. Questions for Ashley: Tell us about Enterprise Rent-a-Car and what you do there? What are your hiring objectives and challenges? What's a step-by-step approach to successful talent marketing? Any mistakes can we learn from? What digital channels are most important to Enterprise recruiting? What campaigns or initiatives are you most proud of? What technology does your organisation use? What’s the ROI and how do you measure it? Give us 3 brands that inspire you and be sure to tell us why? What apps can you NOT live without? What’s the next big thing in this space? Alright, we're sold - where can we connect with you and apply for a job? Do NOT miss Ashley's best/worst intervie