3 Minutes With Kent

Keep an eye on Remix



Hey friends I've just been thinking a lot about remix recently, so if you haven't heard of remix this that's what I want to tell you about just to try and convince you to go give it a serious look so remakes is a react framework that is both server side and client side it's a lot of people compare it to next but it's pretty fundamentally different from the way that next operates it is file system based routing though, there is a imperative API that you can use to declare routes programming programmatically, but what? Makes remix really special is it's embracing of the web platform and not just brand new features though, it does leverage newer features and things and take advantage of those when they're available but also like age-old features like http caching very heavily and gives you just really nice APIs for that sort of thing and I'm like resource preloading and prefetching a lot of really really cool things. Frankly that we reached for or we were excited about suspense for so like react suspense we're t