Entrepreneur Conversations

Ready to Bust Your Limiting Beliefs



 Does the idea of daily flow of good energy and positive vibes no matter what’s taking place sound appealing to you? Would you like to resolve limiting beliefs for life-mastery in all areas of your life? My two guests today are travelling the globe to impart their wisdom and acumen for entrepreneurs like you and I.Jackie Knechtel is a transformational coach, adventurer, visionary leader, super-connector, master manifestor, and pioneer in the area of flow.  She’s founder of the Conscious Collective which holds retreats, leads workshops and delivers transformational experiences worldwide. Jackie is also the co-author of the forthcoming book Flow: The Art of Effortless Living and is actively shifting consciousness on a global scale through her speaking, coaching practice and by blending science and spirituality into practical tools for living an enlightened life.Justin Faerman is a visionary change-agent, international speaker, serial entrepreneur and consciousness researcher dedicated to evolving global conscio