
Rand(Nerds); Episode 158



Welcome to episode 158 We come back to a game we played many years ago that TheSuffolkRam liked  and Ska4zzi0us didn't. Warhammer The End Times: Vermintide. A 4 player  co-op set in the Warhammer Old World setting. You're a ragtag group in a  Empire city being attacked by Skaven. It plays like left for dead but  with rat men. We talk about the randomization, the fun gameplay, the AI  for bots and the Skaven and some of its neat features Aside from killing rats, Ram has been getting back into games  programming after completing a course and switching over from Unity to  the Unreal engine, we discuss the differences in quality of software,  getting into making games and how best to learn new skills. Skazz talks about drawing tablets for digital artwork and the costs involved, free software for doing said artwork and we also talk about how easy it is to get into digital work Watch out for Ram going off the deep end explaining Warhammer 40k lore.  We also discuss how t