Liquid Church

Mercy, Justice, And Cancel Culture | Part 4: Relationship Goals



The Daily, a popular New York Times podcast, defined the word ``cancel' 'as a total disinvestment in something.” In today’s cancel culture, we often see a public outcry for accountability that quickly becomes a call for atonement. While accountability is absolutely needed, the culture can become a mob out for blood, like the Pharisees of ancient days. This concept of cancel culture has no doubt trickled into our individual relationships, too, and contributed to the divided world we live in now. Watch this message from Part 4 of Liquid Church’s Relationship Goals series to learn how we can adapt to our current culture without adopting its values. Pastor Kayra Montanez provides Christians with 3 practical steps to live in the tension when we see a post or hear opinions that we don’t like or agree with. Living like Jesus in a cancel culture isn’t going to be easy, because it involves loving our enemies. So, the next time you feel tempted to join the mob, remember that Jesus did just the opposite for you. Relatio