Reviewed By Russ

Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips



Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute TipsBeing Vulnerable “To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.” UnknownAnd yet, I'm still in pain. I am a very positive person and know life is a gift. The tears I cry are from the pain I don't know what to do with or where it needs to go. Today was rough. I ain't going to lie. I feel pain. I've been the strong one, and right now I'm not feeling a strength. I'm feeling Pain. And that's OK. Being Vulnerable is all I can do right now. Listen in for the tip. #Gratitude #LinkedinFam #LinkedinVideo #LinkedinCreators#Kindnessiscool #Smilesarefree #TwoMinuteTips