Jody England

We Who Believe in Freedom



I almost took this week off. Many of us are out and about, enjoying the summer or taking an extended weekend to travel or vacation.My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary yesterday and it feels good to pause and and create some space for Rest.I’m with you.And… as I opened my e-mail this morning for a quick scroll before signing off for the day, I came across a few things that spoke deeply to me.They inspired me into speaking and acting.Once I heard them, I knew I had to share them with you.Whether you listen to them in real time or catch them when you are back from your Wanderings, these feel important.Wild Soul Medicine for We Who Believe in Freedom."Liberty, freedom, and equality: these things don’t happen on their own or just because we declare that they will. They happen through a willingness to do the work. They happen through deep listening, amends making, and the intensive work of repair. Repairing the breach between who we say we are and who we actually are."- Vania KentThere is much