Jody England




Greetings, Sister,My newsfeed has been inundated with the latest outrages over cabinet appointments and confirmations, incendiary tweets and attempts to catalyze, mobilize, and join The Resistance.Score keeping of “wins” and “losses” - A court ruling on the injustice of a particular executive order counted as a Win and the impending abolition of the department of education (and an obviously incompetent figure head to preside over its demise) tallied in the loss column.People tracking every move, press conference, piece of legislation, media slight, infringement and loss.It’s a lot to keep track of. It feels like a barrage to my system.Not because I don’t have the stamina or wherewithal for fighting.I do.I’m made for it, actually.And have spent most of my life doing it.Rather, it feels like a drain to me because it doesn’t seem to be fully energetically aligned with The Mission.The spectacle of Devolution is so compelling, so mind-blowing that it creates its own gravitational pull that sucks us into the fan bl