Jody England




Greetings, Sister,I am back. Freshly returned from my adventure in Costa Rica and integrating the expansion and teachings from that place into this place.My journey there was both simple and complex. Surprising and predictable. A mixed bag of All of Life.I have no idea what it all means and have been sitting this morning in the inquiry of what to share and what to hold close for now.It feels so abrupt to be returning to “civilization.”Especially since the cocoon I was in there feels much more civilized than my own country and our planet as a whole these days.I told a friend this morning, “It feels like the world is doing a super fast, double dutch jump ropey thing and I don’t know exactly how to re-enter… or if I even want to.”But I DO want to BE with you.Perhaps I’ll share some experiences from my journey or ponderings about what might be next.All I know for sure is to begin with where I am. Now.So I invite you to join me there.In the peace and infinite possibility of Presence.It might be the most revolution