Jody England

Wild Soul Conversation with Samantha Sweetwater



Open me to Higher Wisdom and More Love.That is the prayer of my heart.I continue to feel and listen, feel and listen.Riding the waves of Change as they buffet and cleanse my Being.New Consciousness is showing itself to me. Ancient Awarenesses making itself Known.I am grateful and willing.I am Witness to the Great Unfolding and the tenderness of the moment.Each of Us finding Her Way - sometimes angry, despairing, loving, fighting, praying, losing faith, and finding it again.I will continue to hold this space as Sanctuary for All Of Life.Welcoming Every Experience of What is So for each woman who brings her Wild Soul here.This week we continue our series of conversations with the Wisdom Sisters of my Heart.Vast, multi-dimensional women who are doing their work while holding space for a planet in Transition.Offering perspective, opening our hearts and minds to sit in council with One another - to hear and be heard, to see and be seen, to love and be loved.What the hell IS all of this? What is my role? What is yo