Jody England




Oh, Sister,What a week. So much moving through Our collective.Tender hearts, systems on alert, woundings front and center.On Wednesday, I showed up in the rawness of my reaction.Every fiber of my Being rejecting the IS-ness of this.I saw this coming — and I still hate it.Intensely.In the time since, I have continued to process, vent, grieve, and surrender.Pulling myself away from media, engaging with others as little as possible.Allowing myself to metabolize the depth of my egoic rebellion at What Comes Next.As a Seer and a Griever, I am still a visceral NO to the platitudes of coming together, and calls to take action, and move into excitement about the fire this can light under Us.I am where I am. There is much to reconcile.And I will continue to Be With it all. Honoring every nook and cranny of the stuckness, rage, hopelessness, and revulsion.If you are still in that place too, there is Wild Soul Medicine for you in the replay from this week.Use it to open the floodgates of what you have yet to process.A p