Jody England

I'm Coming Undone



The anticipation is building, our Tribe has been gathering, the Universal Pulse pauses on the in breath as our Collective Stands Together mid-wifing the Essential Wave of Liberation that will crash upon the shores of Becoming today.Your Presence is requested.Over 10,000 of Us have already been Called to this time and space. Each woman following the yearning of Her Soul to reclaim Her sovereignty and make a New Way.As we come closer to the center of the Temple, we find ourselves jostling against one another. The merging of personalities and Essence, the meeting of Sisters from every walk of life - seasoned Wisdom Holders, Awakened Ones, Novices, Initiates, Seekers, Space Holders, the Activators and Activated.Some of Us have walked boldly to the center to claim our Undoing with public pronouncements, heartfelt reckoning with our inner illusions, and poetic proclamations of our Unraveling.Others of Us have stood along the edges. Witnessing, discerning, feeling, knowing. Waiting for a current of Truth to move thr