Jody England

A Fist Full of Water



Happy New Year. What a compelling and welcome start we are off to. The moment the new energetic rolled in with 2016, I felt the most uplifting swell of ease, momentum, grace, and optimism.I’ve been flowing with ideas and creativity, inspired with aligned action, and alive with possibility.THIS is what we’ve been waiting for, Dear One.And… there is big change afoot. With any swift and vast transformation there are things that must fall away.The more swift and vast the transformation, the more that must be cast off.This month is one of Resetting the energetics of our lives. Both internally and externally, our systems are rebooting to open and install the new codes that have been downloaded.In some ways that is a beautiful experience, and in others it can be a little disconcerting as we come up against our attachments.Like, if for instance… your computer completely dies and you lose all the documents you’ve created over the last 12 years of business. (As happened to me this week!)On the one hand, I felt like I w