Jody England

Straight Talk



What a dramatic several weeks it has been! I wasn’t sure I was ever going to return to a “normal” state of operating (you know the kind where you can form complete sentences and communicate with actual language instead of just vibrations…)I have loved every minute of it. The wild expansion, the heart pounding intensity, and the vast undoing of, well, Everything.Thank you for Being with me through it. While delightful and so welcome… it certainly hasn’t been easy.It was beautiful medicine for my Soul to be able to share the immensity of my Self with you as a Portal into your own these last several episodes.I am in deep gratitude for our meeting There.And this week I was called to meet you where you are.Mercury has gone direct and so have I.On Wild Soul Medicine yesterday, I came with some straight talk for you.Good old fashioned plain English (or as close as my Essence comes to that) about:•Receiving guidance•Needs v. desires•The ego and the Soul•Money and…•Some fiery love just for good measure(8:29) How to kn