Jody England

Notes from the Path



"So beautiful to hear your energies dance together, all the love, respect and trust between you two. Medicine Woman was an amazing surprise guest! Thank you *all* for your courage, wisdom and vulnerability... truly inspiring. That final poem got the tears flowing!! Beautiful and timely as usual."- posted in The Tribe by a WSMR Sister If you haven't yet listened to this week's show, you're in for a juicy behind-the-scenes look at how Untamed You really runs! Yesterday, I introduced our Tribe to Viv - my friend, most trusted advisor, Untamed Coach, and go-to girl. We showed up unrehearsed, without an agenda, and with three (well, really five or ten!) questions for each other. It was as candid a reveal about this "new paradigm" business approach as you can imagine. And yes - Viv completely unraveled me with her last question!Over the past five years, Viv has evolved from a regular woman working in corporate America with a rocky marriage and two children ... to an energy reading, open-hearted healer who works