Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

Tish Times - The Art of Selling Without Selling



In this episode, Jack talks with Networking and Sales expert Tish Times about how she helps entrepreneurs and small business owners produce lucrative bottom-line results with her systematic, sincere, and effective approach… even if they are uncomfortable with selling.One of the biggest obstacles facing new entrepreneurs and business owners is discovering that having a great product or service isn’t enough to be successful. Without sales, a business can’t survive.For nearly 10 years, Tish has been teaching small business owners, solo entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to increase income with unparalleled sales and networking strategies. Tish empowers sales professionals to create revenue-generating business connections, follow-up effectively, stay top-of-mind, shorten the sales cycle, and close sales with ease.Tish is the author of “Networking is Not a One-Night Stand – A Guide for Building Lasting Business Relationships,” “The Unstoppable Confidence Networking Playbook,” “10 Super Simple Networking Steps