Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

JC Moreau - Sports Performance Coach



Sports Performance Coach JC Moreau has worked with serious athletes from pre-teens and collegiate age to the elite professional and Olympic level.In this interview JC makes the distinction between what a sports performance coach does and what personals trainer or a sports-specific coaches do.JC now focuses on working with younger developing athletes. He doesn’t work on sports-specific skills, such as batting or tackling skills. Rather, he works on body-specific skills, such as movement and posture as well as the mindset required for success. These will help create a strong, skilled athlete, versus a baseball player or a golfer.The skills he teaches his students are those he hopes become lifelong habits. He focuses on educating his young students about many things, in addition to the physical skills. Proper nutrition and supplementation are just a few of the lifelong habits he infuses into his students.If you’re a parent of a young developing athlete, you’ll want to listen to the wise words JC Moreau shares fr