Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

Keri Newell - Communication Magic



Men may be from Mars and women from Venus, but thank goodness for all of us, Keri Newell has the dictionary to translate man-speak to women. In this fascinating interview, Keri shares some communication secrets with Jack that have helped save and rebuild countless relationships. These include not just relationships between men and women, but those between parents and children, siblings, co-workers, and even strangers.Learning these “language” skills have, in the past, seemed impossible, as men struggle to understand women and vice versa. Keri has spent the last fourteen years, along with her mother, Dr. Sherie Zander, researching and interviewing men and women, and working with singles and couples. As a result, they’ve developed a system called Communication Magic with Men which teaches women what they might change to make their relationships better and bring the romance back.Keri points out the physical differences between the male and the female brains which help to explain the differences in thinking, spee