Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

Jeff Beale - Mr. Marketology



Marketing Consultant Jeff Beale, known as Mr. Marketology, discusses how he helps successful companies that are expanding fast track their marketing and branding for new products and services they may be adding.Overcoming disconnects between the marketing department, executives and the technical teams is something that Jeff specializes in to avoid the struggles that are so common in product and service expansion.He points out that the technical team has a certain mindset focused on the look and functions when asked to develop a website, compared to a marketing department which is focused on the content and online marketing concepts, compared to management which is focused on how quickly all of this can happen and the sales results that are obtained.This disconnect can cause pushback from each department which is non-productive. Jeff is highly skilled at making all involved realize the common goals they all should have and the personal investment which contributes to the success of the company and of everyone