Mid-days With Lauree

5 Things To Do When You Are Facing A Storm



Whether it's a literal storm like the one we just faced or a storm that you're currently facing in your life, here are 5 things that you should absolutely do to help you weather the storm.1) Have courage. You are not alone, Jesus is with you. 2) Don't argue with the fear, just tell it where to go. (Go to Jesus)3) Take a risk in faith. Don't ask God to bless what you're doing, instead do what God is already blessing. 4) Stay focused on Jesus. When you're starting to sink, just like Peter did, keep you eyes on him instead of the storm.5) Don't doubt. That's easier said than done, but even a little bit of faith in Jesus is all you need to keep hanging on. *Bonus* Praise God. Even when you're sinking, even when you're scared you won't make it through, praise him and thank him the whole way through.