Mid-days With Lauree

Are You An Emotional Debt Collector?



Do you have any experience with debt collectors in real life? The job of a debt collector is someone who paid to collect a certain debt in anyway that is legally possible and when I look at a job like this, I know that the key to success is persistence. As unpleasant as this experience can be, I think there's still hope from the perspective of the debt collector that the debt will be paid. I believe a lot of us will spend, in some cases, years trying to collect an emotion debt that will never be paid. I believe many of us could be classified as emotional debt collectors as we seek emotional repayment from someone were mad at, someone who hurt us, someone we hold a grudge against. There is almost zero hope in search of collecting that debt. So we have to ask ourselves "Is there a better way?" We don't have all the answers, but from experience we can say sometimes it's just better to cut ties with that baggage you're carrying and allow yourself to move on.