Mid-days With Lauree

Producer Josh Has Given Up Sports For An Entire Year And It's Not For The Reason You Think!



Our awesome producer here in the Afternoons, Josh, has done something pretty radical for him: He's vowed to give up sports for an entire year, but it's probably not for the reason you think! Here's what he had to say when he took to his social media:"So this is crazy for me, but I’m just going to go for it. Starting February 1st, I’m quitting sports for 1 whole year in search of a more intentional life. From February 1st, 2021 to February 1st 2022, I’m avoiding sports all together. A sabbatical of sorts.This includes the NBA (Mavericks), MLB (Rangers), NFL (Cowboys), NHL (Stars), and my new found love of the WNBA (Wings). Also the NFL, NBA, and MLB draft. *contemplates this decision as I’m writing this* Really trying to go cold turkey. For anyone who knows me, you know sports is one of the biggest things in my life and has been for as long as I can remember. Sports has the unique ability to allow us to escape from real life for a while and be unified in our favorite teams, but I need to prove to myself that I