Mid-days With Lauree

There Is Power In The Word "Yet"



I once saw a woman curled up in a corner in a ball of worry and anxiety. The solution? A 3 letter word that changed everything.Years ago, I was going through an accreditation to become a coach, someone that helps people move from point A to point B in their lives. In these classes, they would ask for volunteers to sit in front of the class to help with demonstrations and one particular night this lady decided to volunteer with some very real urgency. Turns out, this woman was an empty-nester and her husband was quick becoming disabled, so there were some things she was wanting to work through. What she quickly learned was this wasn't counseling and no one was going to be giving her answers to her problems. Instead, the instructor began asking her questions which led to series of "I don't know's" each one more frantic then the last. You could physically see the anxiety setting in, not only in her voice, but in her overall demeanor. The instructor then stopped and asked the woman if he could make a suggestion o