Mid-days With Lauree

A Renewed Perspective On A Verse Of Comfort



You've probably heard this verse before, but I hope when you hear it today it falls on you in a new way of encouragement.Psalm 119:105 says this: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."In the midst of world, it's hard to feel like there's clarity of what is straight ahead. It feels like we're zigging one moment and zagging the next. More than ever, my prayer to God is just for clarity. As I pondered on this verse the visual that came to my head is if you've ever been camping the lamp for our feet is the equivalent of lighter. It doesn't give off a lot of light, but it's step by step and you're constantly checking back into that light to make sure you're able to take that next step in the way that God's word is to us. Yet the juxtaposition for the light of the path of like daybreak, a flood light pouring in.So in a world that is confusing and everchanging, God's word guides us step by step as it walks with us in an intimate manner; At the same time, it's giving us the big picture of God's kingdo